Ausgabe zur MOTEK 2018

Ausg.Nr._20/2018 17 Industrie 4.0 Recognising and Assembling Product Variants More Quickly Confusion may arise where vari- ous product variants are assem- bled on a single line. Due to the current lack of qualified person- nel, less qualified employees are frequently required to screw components together or bond them with adhesives. In order to assure that they correctly recog- nise the respective variant and assemble the right parts, smart tools have been developed such as data goggles which indicate where which component needs to be attached. Augmented reality at a tablet is also helpful in this respect – the next assembly step can be shown as an animation. Light signals provide assistance in selecting the right part. “Digital solutions of this sort prevent errors, accelerate the assembly process and reduce costs as a result”, sums up Motek project manager Rainer Bachert, who coordinates exhibitors and the trade fair program in the in- terest of practical benefits for users and other interested par- ties as an organiser at trade fair promoters P.E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG. In Focus: Assembly Technology In addition to procedures which have to be completed manually, Motek also focuses attention on automated assembly process- es. Whether assembly robots equipped with clever algorithms, materials handling and feed systems, driverless transport, gripping system components or software for collision calculation are concerned – Motek 2018 will present lots of other new prod- ucts. They all have intelligent interfaces in common, as well as the ability to communicate with each other and above all with the master control system – because automation and digitalisation are inseparably connected within the setting of Industry 4.0. Mod- ern sensors and image process- ing techniques play an important role within this context, and are indispensable for real-time ap- plications and data evaluation. Motek: Nearly Booked Out and Exhibitor Numbers Continue to Rise Whereas two thirds of all avail- able exhibition floor space was reserved in February, Rainer Bachert is now only able to offer a few vacant locations. The reasons for the popularity of the trade fair include its innovative character and its great significance as a practically oriented business and networking platform. Its alliance with the concurrently held Bon- dexpo international trade fair for bonding technology is also a plus for visitors as well as exhibitors. The layout of the trade fair is be- coming aligned to an ever great- er extent to the actual structures of routine daily manufacturing – a process which has gotten un- derway in recent years. This as- sures better orientation and less legwork. Roughly 40,000 visitors from more than 100 countries are expected to attend the event held on just under 65,000 square metres (700,000 sq. ft.) of overall floor space. An attractive supple- mentary program will ensure in- depth information regarding the latest trends and technologies – always with a view to best pos- sible cost-effectiveness in actual practice.  Text & Photo: P. E. Schall GmbH & Co. KG Gustav-Werner-Straße 6 D - 72636 Frickenhausen Simulation der flexiblen Zellfertigung mit der Software IPO.Log Die IPO.Plan GmbH verwendet reale Daten, um eine flexible Zellfertigung zu simulieren. Ein erstes Kunden-Projekt ist bereits erfolg- reich absolviert. In flexiblen Zellen suchen sich die Produkte selbst den nächsten Arbeitsort. Der mit realen Daten entwickelte Algorithmus berechnet die optimale Zuordnung der Montageaufträge zu passenden Montagezellen. Die Planungssoft- ware IPO.Log simuliert und optimiert neben der Zell-Verteilung auch die notwendige Int- ralogistik. Basis ist der „Digitale Zwilling“ für Produktion und Logistik. Flexible Zellfertigung oder klassische Linie? Steigende Produktvielfalt und Individualisie- rung zwingen zum Umdenken. Mit flexiblen Montagesystemen bleiben Unternehmen im In- und Ausland konkurrenzfähig. Durch Ein- satz von flexiblen Zellen werden Taktfolge-Ver- lustzeiten reduziert, das Produktspektrum lässt sich unkompliziert erweitern und sich än- dernde Kapazitätsbedarfe sind agil umsetzbar. Effizient in Produktion und Logistik Die IPO.Plan GmbH hat sich auf die Planung von Fabriken und Produktionen spezialisiert. Die speziell für diesen Bereich entwickelte Software IPO.Log wird weltweit zur dreidi- mensionalen Simulation und Visualisierung eingesetzt. IPO.Plan bietet damit die Sicher- heit, komplexe innerbetriebliche Prozesse beherrschbar zu machen und effizient zu ge- stalten. Auf ein persönliches Gespräch mit weiteren Details freuen wir uns in Halle 7 - „Arena of Integration“ - Stand 7525 . Flexible Zellfertigung: Endlich Fakten! IPO.Plan GmbH simuliert mit realen Daten Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf: IPO.Plan GmbH Heidenheimer Straße 6 D-71229 Leonberg